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A New Review from Godsofmusic.com

CDstreet, December 19, 2001 Batter Dean Rocks!
by The Spindoctor spindoctor@cdstreet.com Rating: 10 We hear a ton of music around here. Ran across these guys from Seattle and their vibe is excellent. Well-constructed tunes, great players and excellent production values. Check these guys out, they may be going somewhere in this business!

July 12, 2001 BeSonic.com writes of Subconscious Conscience: Groovy beat, cool guitar bits - the guys really got it. The vocals remind you a bit of Pearl Jam - but with loads and loads of power - EXCELLENT! A 'must have'!

Feedback from new-found fans of Batter Dean:

"The Way Rock Should Be...No Criticisms!  Best Track I've heard in a long time." 
--'Embalmicdrummer' Chatham, Ontario, Canada

"I think "a way without you" is simply awesome...my friends are already looking for your cd...Keep up the good work. "  --J.H., Kosciusko, MS

"You got the best sound! =) I tell as many as I can about your music...Keep up with the music and make my life a little bit better. Thank you! "  --Best Regards, Per in Sweden

"Nice, Like it. Rock on guys...-- 'HLock'    Oslo, Norway

"Seattle still rocks! hello from Austria! good luck!

"I found your music and I have listened it over and over...I thought maybe it's good to know for you that someone far in Copenhagen is listening your music now and it makes her night a bit better. Thanks for that! (=I mean it!) Keep going on this way! Wish you success and all the best,"  --'Ave-M' Copenhagen, Denmark

"'Suffer' is just solid, damned good. Nice to hear some genuine music and talent for a change. Go for it guys. Keep rockin. "  --CJ from NC

"Excellent job here, very tight and polished...good sound!"  --'gpaul'  Edison, New Jersey

Very Nice, "Everything is killer,  I LOVE YOUR BAND"  -- 'Kicho'   Spokane, Washington

"I would much rather be playing your band than Bon Jovi. "  --Anonymous KISW DJ

""This song is one of my top 3 songs that I personally LOVE!!!" "  --online reviewer, Nashville, TN

"This rocks, Great lyrics and some massive guitar work.  The Guitars were really strong Great Job and Good Luck."  -- 'Norrismusic'     Lynchburg, Virginia

"Groovin Track, Strong vocals, good recording and the smokin' guitar riffs just keep coming...Smokin' track, good luck."   --'Poundingsound'   Indianapolis, Indiana

"Hey man you guys kick ass!!! I love your song "Suffer" it is one of THE BEST songs that I have heard in quite a while. I'm on the net (all the time) so trust me I know what I'm talking about. It is a monster, RRRRAAAAAARRRRHHHHH."   --Kris in Nashville

"omg!  u guys rock so much!!! i cant believe this is an actual band and not God making beautiful music, wow"!    --'Ideoteque1515'   West Islip, New York

"Hi, I like your work and dynamics in your music. Keep crushing their balls! ha ha ha"
-- Anonymous    Denver, CO

"Sorry about my words but............you people are so cool....your sound is...whoooo....thanks...the grunge (I see you play this music)....is backkkkkkk! thank you guys..... I try to find your album in here , but only find the songs (4 of yours) in the internet (like suffer my favorite and flying fortress...hey dude it's so great)"
-- Ricardo in Chile

"Tight....is all I have to say..."  --'Grinnis'  Austin, Texas

"Get a record contract!  Good luck guys hope you attain the success you desire, I'll be making a note of your band name."  --'northern'   Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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